
Torpedo Group Limited (Torpedo) uses various companies in the process of providing its services, for example, infrastructure environment, project delivery, content delivery and data storage. A “Sub-processor” is a third-party data processor engaged by Torpedo who has, or potentially will have, access to or process data that may contain personal data. Torpedo engages different types of Sub-processors to perform functions as explained below.

In line with the GDPR, where personal data is being transferred beyond the UK/EU/EEA, Torpedo considers whether an adequacy decision has been made, the use of standard contractual clauses (SCCs) or international data transfer agreement (IDTA) is required and whether there are other appropriate mechanisms to ensure the safeguarding and protection of the rights and freedoms of natural persons in the context of personal data.

Torpedo may change Sub-processors at any time. If Torpedo changes Sub-processors, we will post an update on this page.

Operations Sub-processors

Torpedo uses cloud-based applications in the day-to-day operations of its business. Customer personal data may be stored in these applications at various times.

Sub-Processor Purpose Primary location
Amazon Web Services EMEA Sarl Infrastructure, website hosting, email processing, data storage and backups Luxembourg
Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited Cloud services, email, storage, messaging and security Ireland
Rackspace Managed Hosting Ltd Managed services for Microsoft Office365 United Kingdom
Google LLC Site analytics United States
Google Cloud EMEA Ltd Data storage Ireland
Ionos NextCloud Data storage United Kingdom
RealtimeBoard Inc. dba Miro Cloud collaboration United States
Adobe Inc Electronic signatures United States
Atlassian Inc Project management including Jira, Confluence and Trello United States Limited Artwork proofing New Zealand Cloud services and storage for video media United States
Vimeo Cloud services and storage for video media United States
Momentive Europe UC dba Survey Monkey Survey platform Ireland
WeTransfer File transfer platform Netherlands
Cloudflare CDN for delivering website content United States
Stripe Payment processor for Viewteam only United States
HelpScout PBC User relationship management for Viewteam only United States
Zoom Video Communications, Inc Video conference provider United States


Service specific Sub-processors

Torpedo works with selected third-parties or uses third-party software to provide specific services when required for project delivery. These sub-processors may, for certain projects, have access to customer personal data. Their use is limited to the indicated purpose.

Sub-Processor Purpose Primary location
Fineprint (Services) Ltd Printers who may produce personalised print or manage distribution United Kingdom
Screaming Colour Printers who may produce personalised print or manage distribution United Kingdom
Mayfield Press Printers who may produce personalised print or manage distribution United Kingdom
Userlytics Corporation UX research United States
Sinch dba Email on Acid Mailgun and Email and Acid email delivery and optimisation United States
DotDigital Marketing automation and email delivery United Kingdom
Gooey Creative Email coding United Kingdom
Semantix Sprakcentrum AB Translation and localisation services Sweden
PassWord Europe Translation and localisation services France
Fast TeamWord Translation and localisation services Germany
RWS Holdings plc Translation and localisation services United Kingdom
Pactera Technologies NA, Inc Translation and localisation services United States
Lionbridge Technologies Translation and localisation services United States
Republic of Media Advertising United Kingdom
Altair Media Advertising United Kingdom
Linkedin Ireland Unlimited Targeted advertising and user analytics Ireland
Golby Creative Filming and video production United Kingdom
Robert Mackie Film and video editing United Kingdom