A fun filled rounders social: The Lobsters vs. The Squarers

The Torpedo team recently gathered for an unforgettable rounders event that brought out our competitive sides. Both teams, The Lobsters and The Squarers, were ready for action. Our fantastic scorekeeper, Alex, ensured everyone’s points were captured without any shenanigans, while our wonderful photographer (and occasional dog chaser), Eloise, captured the day’s highlights. 

The event was kicked off with a quick recap of the rules interrupted by a little pug called Fergus, who decided he needed to mark his territory on Jez’s bag and demand fuss from us all. Except he didn’t want to be touched! Eloise kindly helped catch the dog whilst the teams started their rounders adventure.  

To say there were some memorable moments is an understatement… Dom and Iain both decided hitting the ball out of the park was not enough and they needed to let the bat go too. And in Iain’s case, the bat went straight towards Chris’s head! Luckily there were no major injuries other than Tracey’s broken nail, a minor crash between Jordan and Iain, and Gareth’s groin twangs! Thankfully Chris and Julian saved the day running on Gareth’s behalf while he recovered with an ice pack. 

We MUST mention the incredible efforts of Emma and Kate who were on fire when it came to batting and running circles around everyone. They were the stars of the day!  

 Image of people playing rounders

Now I know you are wondering who won. Well, when both rounds were done and points were counted…it was a draw.  Iain made the executive decision that we should all stop (aka forfeit, according to the Squarers) to eat our lovely M&S picnic otherwise, there was a risk of it continuing until the end of time. The picnic was delicious, so much so, that no photos were taken as we were all focused on eating it (all that running around made us very hungry) and we finished the day with ice creams.  

What else do you need on a lovely summer’s day? (Maybe a warm up so we don’t pull any muscles next time?)