Torpedo Move Challenge – The Results!

 A logo to support the Torpedo team challenge.

During the month of July, the Torpedo team took part in our much loved annual ‘get active’ team event – the Torpedo Move Challenge….but this year it was all about how many minutes we could move for!

Our two teams, Blue and Gold got off to a cracking start, and at the first weekly check-in, the Golds had firmly put their stamp on the competition by establishing a strong lead, but the Blues didn’t give up and carried on clocking-up their times to try and close the gap. In the end the Golds held on, winning the challenge with an amazing 345 hours 2 minutes 56 secondscongratulations Gold team! The Blues finished on 292 hours 26 minutes 38 secondsso great results all round!  

Special mentions to the top scorers of Damo (Gold team) with 61 hours and 32 mins and Adele (Blue team) with 52 hours and 42 mins – just incredible. 

Well done teams, we hope you’ve felt the benefit of getting out there in the fresh air to maximise those minutes!